Body discovered –  Jewellery Robbery – High Speed Rail – Edinburgh Castle – Our Pandas are great

Lothian and Borders Police have announced that their search in Holyrood Park yesterday has resulted in a body being recovered. They were searching for Sanjay Dhital who disappeared on Boxing Day but have not formally identified the body as yet.


Police have confirmed that a further man has been arrested and charged in connection with an alleged armed robbery at a jewellery store in Edinburgh’s George Street on Tuesday 15th January.

The 26-year-old is scheduled to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today.


The SNP has said today that Scotland needs better than a 30 minute reduction in journey time to London and that Westminster must extend high speed rail to Scotland.

While The Scottish Government is pressing ahead with a high speed rail between Glasgow and Edinburgh,  the SNP say that the Westminster system is dragging its heels on extending its HS2 project north of the border.

Gordon MacDonald, member of the Scottish Parliament’s Infrastructure and Investment Committee, said:

“It is a welcome step that Scottish commuters will benefit from a 30 minute reduction in their journey time but it does not go far enough. Scotland needs better than this – we need the HS2 project extended north of the border.

“Why does the Tory-led Westminster system want to keep Scotland in the slow lane?

“There is an undeniable economic case to connect Scotland to the rest of the UK and the continent. It’s welcome that they now recognise Scotland is essential for the success of High Speed Rail but Westminster has dragged its heels on high speed rail for too long.

“It is the way forward for public transport in this country and would bring jobs, millions in investment and be a huge boost for our tourism trade. Although Westminster has announced it will extend the line to Manchester this is not far enough and they have still failed to give any concrete guarantees that HS2 will come north of the border and that is unacceptable.”

The leaders of The City of Edinburgh Council and Glasgow City Council today also welcomed the news on High Speed Rail issued by the Department for Transport, but called for an early announcement on plans to bring the network north of the Border.
Councillor Andrew Burns, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We welcome the announcement of Phase 2, which brings high speed infrastructure further north to Leeds and Manchester. It has already been demonstrated that the maximum economic and environmental benefits for the UK can only be realised if Scotland is part of the network. This is why we are keen to see an early announcement on the next phase bringing this much needed rail infrastructure north of the Border and linking with the planned High Speed Link between Glasgow and Edinburgh.”

Councillor Gordon Matheson, Leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “This is a welcome development because high speed rail will open up fantastic opportunities and growth for the UK.

“However, I have long argued that Scotland’s two largest cities must be included in this network. It is essential that construction of a high speed rail route begins at both ends of the country and meets in the middle. If it doesn’t then I believe our people and economy will be the losers – cut off from our major markets in England and Europe and at a huge economic disadvantage.”


Parents of Primary School Children aged 4 to 11 in over 100 Primary Schools in Edinburgh voted Edinburgh Castle the overall winner of the Primary Times Star Award for a family-friendly attraction.


The Castle received an additional accolade as it was also voted the best Historical Attraction.


Anne Blackham, Sales and Marketing Manager at Primary Times said: “Edinburgh Castle is a historic, all weather family attraction and it won over the hearts of many local families with its huge portfolio of displays and exhibitions time lining Scotland’s rich heritage. Its family friendly events, tours and facilities also proved a hit with our readers.”


Nick Finnigan, Executive Manager at Edinburgh Castle said: “I am absolutely delighted that parents voted for Edinburgh Castle to be awarded the Overall Winner in the prestigious Primary Times Star Award and also voted it their favourite Historical Attraction.


“There is so much to see at the castle from Scotland’s Crown Jewels to Mons Meg and the One O’Clock Gun. Our Living History programmes and events are very popular bringing Scotland’s history to life with fascinating facts, humour and drama, which is great fun for all the family.”.


Readers were quizzed for their most preferred choice from a wide range of topics namely favourite family attraction; family eating house; indoor play centre; stately home or historical attraction; swimming pool/leisure centre; party venue/entertainer; craft activity provider; children’s clothes/shoe shop; toy shop; book shop, bike store and holiday destination.


Our panda Yang Guang and the man who was behind the two pandas coming to Edinburgh Zoo, Iain Valentine, have been recognised in the Giant Panda Awards….