Picardy Place Roundabout – Portobello Online – Say Cheese! – Car Wash – Anna Karenina

If you are anywhere near Picardy Place this morning then this large painting on the roundabout will be finished. The reason we know this is that the Canadian artist, Victor, will be on a plane back to Toronto by now. He said that he has given his artistic skills to the city as a gift, and you can see that the Council branding of the word Edinburgh has been used in a slightly different way!  We have more photos of the artist’s work which has taken him at least a week to complete in our separate article where you can read what the Transport Convenor, Lesley Hinds, has to say about it.


Portobello is the subject of a major court case over the building of a new school in part of the park. The decision is awaited imminently. It is partly as a result of the campaign for the new school that Portobello Online is being reborn with a new look. There has been a light show in Portobello all week to give advance warning. Bob Jefferson one of the volunteers running the site explained:-“A local resident happens to be the MD of Northern Light, a major Audiio Visual company.  All this week he is projecting our logo and other images related to the website from his daughter’s Wendy House in his garden in Portobello onto the back of a tenement at the foot of Bath Street.  The projections start at around 9 pm and can best be seen from Straiton Park.” There is also a QR board at the Town Hall which you can scan with your smart phone and which will allow the organisers to put up various messages from time to time.

(And they have invited The Reporter to the launch party!)


This afternoon the Museum of Edinburgh has an unusual talk at 2pm accompanied by cheese and wine!

The Museum explain:-“Lyle will tell you about some of his experiences: when I J Mellis was featured on the Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British along with Iain Mellis himself, when the shop featured in the New York Times, and about his various presentations including one for Slow Food International who brought students over from the University of Gastronomical Sciences in Italy to learn about Scottish food. “I love my job and I love to teach people about our produce. Cheese is the most fascinating subject and I take pleasure in telling people about its history and origins, and why artisan cheese is so much better than the stuff in the supermarkets. We support families and farmers who are keeping old traditions alive in this modern world. We mature all of our cheeses to perfection in our maturing rooms and we are so proud of our quality we encourage people to taste the cheese, rather than us just describing it to them.”

You have to book but entry is free.


Get your car washed for free by the Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service at South Queensferry, McDonald Road, West Calder or Gala fire stations.


THE film for this weekend will of course be the new epic Anna Karenina which is showing at The Cameo from lunchtime today. The Tolstoy epic has something for everyone it seems with Keira Knightley starring along with Jude Law.

Here is the trailer:-