Residents at an Edinburgh care home are gearing up for next year’s Olympics by taking part in their own Sports Day tomorrow.

The annual event at Marionville Court will see residents and staff battling it out to be crowned sporting champions in several events including: wheelchair egg and spoon race, space hopper relay, three-legged race, volleyball and tug of war.

In addition to individual titles there is also an overall cup for the ‘unit’ at the home which scores most points.

Staff at the City of Edinburgh Council care home put on the event every year as it benefits older people both in mind and body.

Elaine Heath, manager at Marionville Court, said: “It’s always great fun for the residents as they take an active part in planning each of the events and I’m sure it’s going to be a fantastic day for everyone involved.”

Resident Kenny Smith, 61 years, said he was looking forward to tomorrow after winning three gold medals last year in the wheelchair egg and spoon, bean bag target and dress up relay.

He said: “Hip hip hooray its sports day. It’s brilliant because I won three gold medals last year. It’s entertaining and good for your health.”

Councillor Norman Work, vice-convener of Health and Social Care at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “These social activities are a great way of keeping older people active and I’ve witnessed first hand how much enjoyment the residents get from these types of events.”

This is not the first time Marionville Court has encouraged residents to get involved in fun activities. In the past they have organised a Wii competition in the run up to Wimbledon and regularly host ‘Marionville’s Got Talent’ contests.

The Sports Day runs from 10.30am until 9pm and also includes strawberries and cream on the lawn, a Chippie tea and a party in the evening to round off the day’s activities.