Works continue at Edinburgh Castle to provide new stands for the Tattoo.

Aunty Emily has reminded us that the results are in for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and you can read all about it on Greener Leith. And there is a link to the AudioBoo which Greener Leith did with sound artist, Emma Quayle who we met at The Melting Pot, proving if nothing else that Edinburgh is a village….!

The Guardian Beatblogger from Edinburgh, Michael MacLeod was having an away day yesterday at the Talk About Local Unconference in Cardiff and you can read more about the discussion on hyperlocals and the way forward here.

A tantalising glimpse of what is in today’s Sunday Post here but you really need to buy the actual paper to read the stories. A paper that wants to remain just that. One of the stories we would like to know more about is their story on councils instructing work on speed bumps rather than repairs. This affects some areas of the capital too. For example, residents in Buckstone have until 29 April 2011 to comment on the need for more speed bumps. You can see the council leaflet here. Click Full Screen to read more easily. Maybe you would like to tell us what you think about speed bumps?

Buckstone 2011 Leaflet

One Councillor who is out on the campaigning trail is Alison Johnstone who is standing for the Green Party and you can read our interview with her here. Johnstone is one of several councillors standing for election to The Scottish Parliament. We gave you the complete list of Edinburgh candidates here.