2017 marks ten years in comedy for Aatif Nawaz. In that time, he has tackled obstacle after obstacle in a highly competitive and cut-throat industry. He has experienced highs and lows, hilarious interactions with Channel 4, chance meetings with comedy legends (including advice from Jimmy Carr and Omid Djalili) dalliances with the BBC, and harsh, harsh rejections from…well…a lot of people.
In his quest for comedy stardom, few stones have been left unturned and – after a long, hard graft – it’s finally time for Aatif to have The Last Laugh.
Aatif Nawaz is an award-winning stand-up comedian and presenter.
His first two solo shows Muslims Do It 5 Times A Day and AATIFicial Intelligence both earned rave reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe and spawned sell-out runs in London. Aatif has appeared on BBC’s Newsnight, BBC’s Red Button Comedy Show, BBC Radio 5 Live’s Afternoon Edition as well as various programmes on Channel 4, Channel 5 and the Islam Channel.
Aatif recently presented his first BBC Radio 4’s Inconspicuous Consumption, and has appeared on Stephen Fry’s English Delight. Aatif has featured on numerous tours this year. This included Public Convert No 1 supporting American comedian Preacher Moss, The LOL Comedy Tour and the Human Appeal Comedy Tour that took places across 20 cities across the UK and featured performances from Mo Amer, Imran Yusuf, Nail Abdulrashid, Tez Ilyas, Aamer Rahman, and Guz Khan. Aatif has also toured with Brian Lara and Waqar Younis.
Earlier this year, Aatif launched his new podcast, AATIFicial Intelligence on iTunes that continues to grow in listenership every week.
Aatif Nawaz : The Last Laugh, Laughing Horse @The Newsroom (Venue 93)
3-27 August 2017 | 23:15 Free
Tickets here.