Blair Heary already looks like a politician, but even though he has been out seven nights a week for some weeks now, he still managed to look fresh with a night’s campaigning ahead when we met him in Oxgangs.

Heary told us why he wanted to become an MSP: “I became a candidate here as I know this area really well. I grew up here and I have worked here at the Pentland Community Centre in Oxgangs with kids with special needs. So firstly I am representing an area that I know and care about and I have the opportunity to tackle social problems. I know and understand the area and its needs, and want to have the chance to give something back.

“I also want to have the opportunity to tackle the social problems that I have experienced first hand throughout my working life and as a campaigner.

#SP16 Blair Heary Scottish Labour candidate for Edinburgh Pentlands from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

“I believe that poverty and inequality lie at the heart of many of these social problems. In this election I believe that we have a radical policy agenda that will get to the root of some of these problems.

“First of all I think we have to look at taxation. We need a much more progressive system of taxation to make sure that we are tackling wealth inequality. I think we need to look at wages and make sure that people are getting a fair wage for a day’s work.

“I also think we need greater investment in employment and training. We need more affordable housing and greater community empowerment. These are just some of the areas that we can tackle in this election that will make a real difference to poverty and inequality.

“Working with trade union colleagues we can help to ensure that workers get paid the living wage.

“A recent report published by one of the Holyrood committees showed that despite some encouraging employment statistics in Scotland they actually mask a worrying trend of poor quality employment. That includes a lack of secure work and also poor wages. An economy that is built on poor wages is not sustainable or healthy.

“I think we need to work with employers and our trade union colleagues and try to encourage people to pay the workers a living wage. It improves workers’ standards of living but it is better for the economy overall.

“I am pro Europe for three reasons. Firstly I am a Trade Unionist and Europe has been great for maintaining workers rights that we enjoy here in the UK today.

“I like being outdoors and Europe has been great for making sure that some of our coastlines and rivers are cleaner and greener than they have ever been before. I also think it has been great for boosting jobs and growth.

“My interest in politics came from my work in the care sector. I was able to help countless individuals and their families get more support and help individuals reach their full potential. By entering the political arena you’re able to help people on a much bigger scale.

“In my work I supported children and young adults with complex special needs, predominantly young people with autism spectrum disorders. I worked one to one with various young people over the years with various individual learning plans. Sometimes that was to encourage someone into further education or employment, or sometimes it was just building enough confidence so that the young person could live semi-independently.

“If you are in Holyrood you are actively involved in making the legislation, and one of my pledges is that I will consult with the constituents on any bills that I try to bring forward in the Scottish Parliament.”



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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.


  1. Hi Blair,
    Today seemed a good day to mail you – I bumped into you at the polling station on May 5th and it wasn’t the right time to say this.
    I didn’t vote for you on the 5th – not because I don’t share your beliefs and values but because (like many other people in Scotland who voted Labour pre September 2014) I was disappointed on Labour’s stance on independence.
    Your leader said this morning that everyone needs to “keep their Heids”. Wise words -Scottish Labour has another chance to get it right by encouraging it’s members to vote with their hearts if there is another independence referendum in Scotland.
    Kind regards – Fiona

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