Morningside Community Council meet on 15 August 2018 at The Open Door. The meeting starts at 7.30 although there is a confidential police surgery from 7.00pm.
This is the agenda :
Last month's meeting covered police...
The next meeting of the Morningside Community Council will take place at Open Door on 20 December 2017 at 7.30pm.
This will be preceded by a confidential police surgery from 7.00pm.
This is the agenda and...
The Edinburgh Transport Group, a group of local transport enthusiasts, has erected an interpretation board at the old Braids tram-drivers’ shelter on Pentland Terrace to mark the 60th anniversary of the ending of the...
Morningside Community Council will meet on 16 November at The Open Door from 7.30pm.
Their office bearers are now Chair Arne Strid, Vice-Chair Brian Auld, Secretary Steve Gregory, Treasurer Betty Barber and Planning Officer Goff...
Soutra: the 'once powerful' hospital in the Bannockburn years - a talk by archeo-ethno-pharmacologist Dr Brian Moffatt, Director of SHARP. Soutra was the site of the greatest medieval hospital north of York - archaeologists are now...
Delighters: Hula Hooping - taster session. For ages 14+, beginners or beginners + - session will be tailored to the abilities of the participants. 6.30-7.30pm, Forest Centre +, 38 Castle Terrace....
Today members of the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (SCNP), Merchiston and Morningside Community Council met along with local Councillor Sandy Howat to celebrate the restoration of the marker plaque in Morningside Road of the...
by Chisanga Malata
The Morningside Community Council met on 18 January 2012 at The Open Door in Morningside. The meeting was chaired by Jean Thompson and nine members and six residents attended. Also in attendance were city council...
The Morningside Community Council met this week on 16th November 2011 at The Open Door on Morningside Road. The meeting was chaired by Jean Thompson and 13 other members were present, along with nine residents, Councillor Alison Johnstone...