Demand increasing in deal with sushi chain.
Supplying salmon to a Japanese sushi chain has boosted a Scottish company’s exports to the region by 25%...
A law student from Edinburgh has celebrated her 21st birthday in Japan during a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity learning about the country, its culture and commerce.
When observing every colourful sketch and stroke upon the screen, it is almost unbelievable that Ghibli's famed masterpiece is older than its protagonist. In...
William McIlvaney: Looking Glass Books and the University of Edinburgh present the Guest Writers Series - authors in conversation with Writer in Residence Jenni Fagan. Kilmarnock born McIlvaney...
Mrs Mash the Storytelling Cook: stories, songs and participative fun for Portobello's youngest residents. 10.30-11am, The Skylark, 241-243 Portobello High Street.
Kabuki: Japanese Theatre Prints is a new exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland that reveals the spectacular artwork and larger-than-life characters from a...
A talented young Japanese concert pianist, Mr Shinnosuke Inugai, will make his concert debut in Edinburgh this month. The Consulate General of Japan and the...
Scientists at British Geological Survey (BGS) at West Mains Road have been called upon to offer expert advice on today's Japanese earthquake which occurred...