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Tag: danny macaskill

Edinburgh Fringe – Danny MacAskill debuts ‘Drop and Roll Live’

Danny MacAskill’s Drop & Roll Live is a main highlight of this year’s Underbelly Circus Hub programme and is set to astound Big Top audiences like never before. After five years touring the world,...

Danny MacAskill shows off his babysitting skills #dannydaycare

Danny MacAskill has just launched a new feature video, “Danny Daycare”, on his YouTube channel. This time, though, Daisy, the now 4-year-old daughter of good friend and director Stu Thomson, steals the show. If...

Danny McAskill brings Drop and Roll to the Fringe

Interviewing Danny MacAskill is a very easy affair. He really is as laid back as he makes all the stunts look on his videos, and he has lots to say. It may only have...

Letter from Scotland

Will Nicola Sturgeon turn the tide on Brexit ?  She’s certainly trying hard. She’s using this weekend’s SNP conference in Glasgow to call for a grand coalition of all opposition parties and pro-Europe Tories...

Letter from Scotland

Our new leader Nicola Sturgeon may not yet have declared Scottish independence but we are setting out on a different road from the rest of the United Kingdom in one important respect - drinking...

Danny MacAskill – free screening of new film tonight in Edinburgh

SCOTTISH PREMIERE OF DANNY MACASKILL’S IMAGINATE DOCUMENTARY The latest instalment of Scottish street trials sensation Danny MacAskill’s long-awaited new riding film, Imaginate, will have its Scottish premiere in Edinburgh this evening. The six-part documentary series from...

The Edinburgh Reporter’s Weekly Sports Round-up

This week The Reporter highlights a poor weekend for the Capital's rugby teams and concentrates on the mixed fortunes for Hibs and Hearts, both on and off the field. We also send our best wishes to Craig...

Danny MacAskill in Edinburgh

Danny MacAskill is a cyclist, but he has not ever taken part in the Olympics! He is a stunt cyclist and is now sponsored by Red Bull to perform the kind of feats that...


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