Filmhouse Junior: Rise of the Guardians (PG). An animation for the festive season: an evil spirit plans to take over the world using fear - Jack Frost, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter...
Can't Dance Cameron: Emily Dodd introduces her new book, the tale (or tail?) of a capercaillie bird who doesn't think he can dance. Emily is a former Reader-In-Residence at the library. For ages...
Friendship Day: come along, bring a friend (large or small!) and enjoy free mulled wine, tea, coffee and a festive mince pie. 10am-4pm, The Open Door, 420 Morningside Road.
Sing a Sang: a relaxed singing...
For Crying Out Loud: special screenings for carers and their babies under 12 months old - maximum of 2 adults per baby. Babychanging, bottle warming and buggy parking facilities available. This...
Animal Art: new mosaics, lino-cuts and monoprints from artist Freya Levy. Private view tonight 6-8pm, Glass & Thompson, 2 Dundas Street. Refreshments provided! Exhibition continues until Christmas: read The Edinburgh Reporter's article about Freya's work here.
National Museum...
Lots of Christmassy things this week, from craft fairs to carols and music to markets - but if the very thought of anything festive sends you running from the room, fear not - there...
After the usual overindulgence on Christmas pudding, turkey and mince pies, what better way to relax and really enjoy Christmas than snuggling down on the sofa to watch TV, perhaps in the glow of...