A new restaurant is to open on Dundas Street, as a joint venture between chef Sean Clark and his business partner Paul O’Donoghue, and with investment from Marvel director and producer, Joe Russo.

Russo was impressed by Sean’s cooking after dining in Edinburgh during filming.

Under the Table is an inventive name as the new bistro will be under the existing fine dining restaurant, The Table, which Clark opened in 2015 after working in some of the finest restaurants in the world including Martin Wishart in Leith. The Table has space for up to eight guests and serves a tasting menu with specially matched wines.

The new venture will have a fixed price lunch menu and an à la carte dinner menu using local produce, and aims to be an “elegantly casual” restaurant such as you would find in Europe. Dishes will change often to reflect what is available from the restaurant’s suppliers.

Paul said: “Under The Table brings to life conversations and ideas that have been fermenting for over six years. We will be an ingredient focussed restaurant with strong links and references to classic European cuisine, taking inspiration from the Bouchons and Osterias of France and Italy that we love, where wine lives front and centre and warm hospitality is ever present.”

Paul will draw up the extensive wine list to complement the menus, while the kitchen will be led by head chef Alberto Giaccone who has more than 20 years experience including Michelin star restaurants in France and Italy.

The restaurant interiors will be designed by Fiona Denholm with the emphasis on chic using natural materials and luxury finishes.
