The Centre Livingston is establishing a new book club for all ages, featuring a different author each month. This follows the installation of a book recycling vending machine in the shopping centre which allows everyone to share books they have read.

Announcing the new venture just ahead of National Read a Book Day on 6 September the book club will begin during the October half-term holidays. There will be two authors during the week from 7 to 14 October for children between 4 and 14 years old.

On and 14 October at 11am and 1pm, former journalist, Linda Erskine from West Lothian, who has written four books for ages 4-9, will be reading George and Mildred: ‘Life’s a Beach’, which sees George, a timid boxer dog, step out of his fear to become a superhero and also ‘Limitless’ which is about dreaming big. The sessions are interactive and kids are encouraged to dress up as superheroes. 

Linda said: “I’m delighted to be involved in The Centre, Livingston’s first-ever Book Club. My goal has always been to inspire children to realise their full potential and lead them to become the heroes of their own life’s story and embrace their uniqueness. 

“Sharing my stories is a fantastic opportunity for me to encourage kids to be brave and enjoy new adventures, which I’m really looking forward to.”

From 1 to 14 October at 11am and 1pm, award-winning author Justin Davies from North Queensferry will take over the reading chair for some interactive book fun. 

In the morning sessions, suitable for ages 7 and up, he’ll be sharing extracts from Help! I Smell a Monster, which won the Fantastic Book Awards in 2021, and Whoa! I Spy a Werewolf.  Both books are packed full of monsters – good, bad, big and small. They also feature a brave hero called Alice who has to face all her worst phobias almost at once.  Children will also be able to create their very own monster-tastic character.

In the afternoon sessions, suitable for ages 9-14, Justin will read from his new, darkly comic mystery adventure, Haarville, a story packed with secrets, seaweed and scoundrels! He will also share some top writing tips and get kids to create a ‘seaside-themed menu’.

Justin said: “I’m thrilled to be involved with The Centre’s new Book Club. Meeting young readers and helping to inspire a love for reading is the best thing about being a children’s author. I can’t wait to share my books with everyone and maybe even some of my top tips for writing super stories!

Robert Graham, Deputy Centre Director at The Centre, Livingston, said: “There’s so many benefits to taking time out and enjoying a good book or reading an exciting story to your children which is why we wanted to launch our very own, free monthly ‘Book Club’ at The Centre, Livingston.  

“We’re really looking forward to welcoming our first two authors, Linda Erskine and Justin Davies, who both have fantastic books they’ll be reading from in sessions which are interactive with a wonderful superhero theme and thereafter welcoming a different author every month, catering for all ages, who’ll read not only from their own books but will also share some of their favourites with us too.”

Authors will take up residency in the Book Club, which is located across from Waterstones, on the third Saturday of the month, to share their own stories and read from some of their best-loved novels, and also take part in Q&A sessions.  Details can be found on The Centre, Livingston website,

Authors Justin Davies and Linda Erskine outside the Centre in Livingston PHOTO Greg Macvean
Authors Justin Davies and Linda Erskine outside the Centre in Livingston with some young readers PHOTO Greg Macvean
Authors Justin Davies and Linda Erskine in the Centre in Livingston with manager Robert Graham PHOTO Greg Macvean
Authors Justin Davies and Linda Erskine outside the Centre in Livingston PHOTO Greg Macvean
Authors Justin Davies and Linda Erskine outside the Centre in Livingston PHOTO Greg Macvean
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