Edinburgh Leisure’s Chief Executive, June Peebles, has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Outstanding Leadership category in the ukactive Awards.

The winner of this category will be decided through a public vote on the ukactive website and it is open to anyone to vote for June and other candidates from all over the UK.

June Peebles CEO of the charity Edinburgh Leisure

The award would recognise the leadership, passion, and dedication that June has shown over her many years working with Edinburgh Leisure, and particularly during the last two years. 

The winner of this category will be decided through a public vote on the ukactive website.

Voting is open until Friday, 27 May and the winner will be announced during the ukactive Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 30 June at the ICC in Birmingham. 

In the voting process, the awards organisers say that IP addresses are tracked and monitored, and only one submission can come from any one network so if you feel you would like to vote, please could you use your own mobile phone (on 4/5G and not a shared Wi-Fi) or vote from your home computer.

You can vote by following the link below.

June Peebles CEO of the charity Edinburgh Leisure