• Name – Mandy Watt
  • Party – Labour Party
  • Ward – Morningside

During the last administration Mandy was the Labour spokesperson for Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work and also served as Vice-Convener on that committee.

Her priorities for the city are to find ways to mitigate the cost of living crisis, end homelessness and deliver excellent services for council tenants.

She said: “I am committed to new council owned homes being built and upgrading existing homes to make them energy efficient. I’m also passionate about making Edinburgh a Fair Work City, where everybody earns at least the Real Living Wage.”

The current local issues which she is campaigning on include the proposal by Vodafone’s agents to build a 20 metre high mast and cabinets on the site of Morningside’s historic Clock.

She is working on enlivening the local town centres with a spring clean and future plans for local amenities and attractions that residents will enjoy. Improving our parks, public spaces, transport and roads to make them safer.

Mandy said: “In my ward, I work closely with Ian Murray MP and Daniel Johnson MSP to make sure that residents in our ward are represented at every level of government, and that residents receive the best possible advocacy, help and advice with all the local opportunities, challenges and issues that arise.”

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.