It can be difficult to wrap up your cover letter without resorting to generalisations and overused phrases, but you’ll definitely want to take advantage of this final opportunity to express interest in the position and demonstrate that you are the best candidate for the job.

This article will cover tips and examples for how to close your cover letter in a compelling, professional manner. Need more help? Consider using a cover letter template to eliminate the guesswork.

Tips For Closing Your Cover Letter

Here are four top tips to keep in mind throughout the cover letter writing process and especially when you are concluding the document:

Express Confidence

While you don’t want to come off as cocky or boastful, it is important to show employers that you are confident in your ability to perform well in the role that you are applying for. Focus on demonstrating how your skills and experience have previously helped you thrive in novel situations, adapt to new responsibilities, and overcome challenges.

State Your Goals and How They Relate to the Company’s Goals

One of the most important things employers look for in job candidates is how your career goals match up to the company’s goals – in other words, how your experience and qualifications will benefit the company.

Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash

Do some research before you apply to try to identify the company’s goals. This might be as simple as carefully reading the job posting or it may involve perusing the company’s website to read about their values, mission statement, and so forth. Then, outline how your career aspirations coincide with the larger mission in your cover letter.

Say Thank You

Remember to thank the employer for reading your application and considering you for the position. This simple step demonstrates common courtesy and shows the employer that you respect their time as well as the hiring process as a whole.

Sign Off Professionally

Finally, end with a powerful closing line and an appropriate sign-off. Avoid using overly casal terms like ‘cheers’ or ‘fondly’ for your complimentary close – opt instead for one of the following:

  • Best
  • Respectfully
  • Thank you
  • Regards
  • Sincerely
  • Yours sincerely
  • Yours faithfully

Examples of Closing Lines for Your Cover Letter

Here are a few examples of solid closing lines for your cover letter:

  • Thank you for your time and consideration. I’m inspired by ABC Company’s sophisticated approach to design creation and I would be delighted to apply my skills in graphic design, marketing, and networking to support the company’s goals of expanding to the global market.
  • Thank you for considering my application. Throughout my career so far, I have consistently exceeded sales goals and other metrics to increase revenue by up to 250% and streamline sales processes to save time and money. I am eager to apply my skills and experience to help XYZ Company grow sales and revenue as well as build meaningful customer relationships.
  • My driving career goal has been to conceptualise and code mobile applications that consistently exceed clients’ expectations, provide value and convenience for users, and benefit society as a whole. I am eager to apply my energy and determination to help LMN Company reach the forefront of the coding and app creation sector. Thank you for your consideration.