This weekend there will be a free worldwide screening of the feature-length documentary about Jim Haynes who died in January.

Haynes was very much connected to Edinburgh, the Traverse and the Festival. He was also very much connected to everyone. He invited everyone to dinner and in the days before the internet he was the ‘godfather of social networking’.

His greeting to dinner guests on arrival at or departure from his home in Paris was always ‘Thanks for coming’. An American who came to Edinburgh in the 1960s, he was most recently fĆŖted with an honorary doctorate by Edinburgh Napier University.

Read our obituary with contributions from Ricky Demarco and Roddy Martine, who both feature in the film.

This documentary is an international co-production and was premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2018, before touring numerous festivals around the world.

For the UK audience, Meeting Jim will be re-broadcast on BBC Scotland (and simultaneously on Freeview/YouView, Freesat, Sky, Virgin Media and BBC iPlayer) under the title Meet Jim, Citizen of the World at 21:00 (GMT) on March 6th 2021, on

the day that marks two months since Jim Haynesā€™ passing. After the broadcast, the film will be available to watch for free on BBCā€™s VOD platform BBC iPlayer for a limited period of time.

For the rest of the world, the documentary will be accessible for free for 72 hours on the filmā€™s websiteĀ www.meetingjim.comĀ from 19:00 (GMT+1) March 5thĀ to 19:00 (GMT+1) March 8th. A kind of extended Sunday Dinner that will go on all weekend.