The proposal for the regeneration at Granton Waterfront was given the green light by the council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee at the end of last week. The project will now move towards the planning phase.

This project is set to be an example of a sustainable development and an integral part of the city’s commitment to become net zero carbon by 2030.

The contract will now be awarded to CCG (Scotland) Ltd who will obtain planning permission for the development which will include 3,500 new homes, of which 35% will be affordable. The council promises to engage with the local community in developing the final design.

The council plans to refurbish the Granton Station building, an Edwardian former railway station into a modern business space. They also hope to light up the former gas holder in a joint project with Edinburgh College, and they will create one of Europe’s largest coastal city parks from Granton Harbour to Cramond and Lauriston Castle. The hope is that this will link the city and the waterfront, allowing everyone to enjoy the views of the Forth there.

The development will include new cycling and walking routes, a school, medical centre, commercial and creative spaces, and sustainable transport connections to the city.

The council is investing £196 million in the regeneration project, within the gross development value of around £1.3 billion. The balance will be provided by public and private sector funding.

Council Leader Adam McVey, said: “As we start the recovery from this pandemic this development is a fantastic start to building the homes our residents need. Our waterfront development significantly contributes towards our shared goal of a better and more sustainable Edinburgh together so it’s great news that the first phase of this vibrant new neighbourhood for Edinburgh is now going ahead. We’re absolutely committed to reaching our target to build 20,000 affordable homes in the city as well as investing £2bn in new Council homes over the next decade. We’re also committed to becoming a net zero carbon city by 2030 and Granton Waterfront will contribute greatly to all of these goals.

Depute Council Leader Cammy Day, who is also a local ward councillor, said:”The award of these contracts is a welcome message for the north Edinburgh community and the construction industry. The first phase of housing will provide hundreds of affordable homes and going forward the regeneration of this area will create hundreds of new jobs linked to growth of new services, business, leisure and creative industries and will strengthen the retail and small businesses that already exist. This is only just the start of this exciting development for the city and I look forward to seeing the plans brought forward by CCG for what will become one of Scotland’s leading sustainable communities.”

Calum Murray, Director, CCG (Scotland) Ltd, said: “The City of Edinburgh Council is to be congratulated for the support it has afforded the construction sector during the Covid-19 pandemic.  By progressing with the Western Villages project they are helping to build essential economic resilience and mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic for key stakeholders and the supply chain. In so doing the City is also sustaining the delivery of necessary affordable housing which will deliver on its low-carbon objectives. CCG(Scotland)Ltd is delighted to be in the vanguard of this significant regeneration initiative.”