A building warrant has been applied for in connection with the building of a platform which will accommodate Edinburgh’s Christmas market.

We related the story last week, and while the paperwork is being processed, the building continues as you can see below. Underbelly who produce Christmas for the council have now applied for the building warrant which you can see here.

Cllr Claire Miller represents the city centre and tweeted about the Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) she received in relation to the development last Friday.

Edinburgh’s Christmas market 7 November 2019 PHOTO ©2019 The Edinburgh Reporter

The Culture and Communities Committee meet next week on 12 November and the papers for that include mention of a briefing on Edinburgh’s Christmas events.

Also Cllr Staniforth a Green councillor has lodged the following motion asking that council :

  1.  Notes the motion agreed by Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee on 29 October entitled “Edinburgh’s Christmas”, including the detailed supporting information.

2.       Notes the availability of a range of different hard standing spaces which offer an alternative setting for Christmas and Hogmanay events.

3.       Agrees to urgently collaborate with Underbelly to look at options to relocate the Christmas Market from East Princes Street Gardens to a hard standing space in central Edinburgh to enable contracted events to take place and which would allow East Princes Street Gardens fully to open for general public use.

4.       Agrees that council contractees failing to apply for planning permission on time sets a bad example and that in future all cultural events associated with the council will be expected to apply for planning permission (and all other relevant permissions) before the construction of any structure begins.