Demand increasing in deal with sushi chain.

Supplying salmon to a Japanese sushi chain has boosted a Scottish company’s exports to the region by 25% in the last year.

External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop visited a branch of Genki Sushi in Tokyo, supplied by The Scottish Salmon Company, during her ministerial visit to Japan.

(left to right) Stephen Baker, SDI; Mr Makoto Takeda, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Shokuryu (suppliers); Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop; Mr Takashi Houshito, CEO, Genki Sushi; Caroline Craggs, SDI food and drink specialist

Ms Hyslop met executives to taste ‘Tartan Salmon’ as Mr Takashi Houshito, CEO of Genki Sushi, said the company was looking to continue to promote the delicacy in its restaurants.

Ms Hyslop said:“Japan is an important part of our international trade landscape and we are committed to supporting Japanese companies looking to connect with suppliers of our premium goods and services.

“Scotland’s reputation for quality extends across our entire food and drink sector. Along with salmon, our seafood fits well with the demands of discerning Japanese customers.”

Craig Anderson, Chief Executive of The Scottish Salmon Company, said: “Japan and the Far East is a key market and demand for our salmon has helped drive a 25% increase in our exports over the past year.

“We expect this to increase as more consumers experience the great taste and provenance of our quality Tartan Salmon. The success of Genki Sushi’s showcase of Scottish salmon is testament to this.

“We take great pride in our Scottish heritage, and this is demonstrated through our commitment to bringing the finest quality Scottish salmon to worldwide markets.”

The Scottish Salmon Company is based in Edinburgh and has more than 60 sites across the west coast of Scotland and the Hebrides. Established in 2010 the company now employs more than 650 people.