The Howden rock ramp aims to return salmon and other fish to their ancient spawning ground in Almondvale.

Pictured are Alison Baker, Director Forth Rivers Trust and David Harley, Head of Water and planning at SEPA PHOTO Greg Macvean

And building Britain’s largest rock ramp at Livingston involved moving over 9,000 tonnes of rock, much of it recycled from other developments in West Lothian.

It has been built to help fish pass over Howden Weir which has created a barrier for the past 200 years.

The weir was originally built to power the New Calder paper mill which produced wrapping paper from the 1800s.

And the rock ramp is one of eight projects on the River Almond designed to reinvigorate the river ecosystems.

Tree planting, river bank restoration and riverside furniture repair work has also undertaken by professional contractors and volunteers during the project.

Pic – Greg Macvean – 17/09/19 – 07971 826 457 UK’s largest rock ramp opens as a vital stepping stone for fish returning to the upper reaches of the River Almond. Today, Tuesday 17th September, marks the official opening of the UK’s largest rock ramp. Situated on the River Almond at Howden Bridge Weir the 85m x 50m ramp construction will play a key role in connecting the lower and upper reaches of the River Almond so fish species can travel upstream and enrich the wildlife ecosystem of the river.
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