Yesterday afternoon a plea emerged on Twitter about getting around with a goat in tow. Yes indeed it is Festival time!

Around 1.30pm on Waverley Bridge four people stopped two of the Festival City Volunteers asking for directions. They were French circus performers and one of them, who spoke for the group, had with him a well behaved goat on a lead.

A spokesman for Festival City Volunteers explained to us: “In the course of directing them, it became clear they wanted to go to the airport and one of the volunteers suggested the bus might be a good option, as it may be more suited to the goat, experts as we are on goat travel.”

On the basis of this suggestion they set off for the Airlink bus, the performer with the lead lifting little ‘billy’ and draping him around his neck so they could safely cross Waverley Bridge.

The Festival City Volunteers asked Lothian and Edinburgh Trams for an official position on goat travel in case they needed to use public transport in Edinburgh again during their stay, and did so via their Social Media accounts.

The happy ending of the day was the photo posted later by Lothian Buses (see below) confirming that they did indeed get to travel.

A wonderful example of signposting by the Festival City Volunteers team – just a typical day in the Festival City!