Newly elected Liberal Democrat MEP Sheila Ritchie organised a protest along with Corstorphine Climate Action on St John’s Road to bring the poor air quality to everyone’s notice. There are figures from The Scottish Government which were analysed by Friends of the Earth Scotland showing that St John’s Road is one of the country’s most polluted routes.

MEP said: “St John’s Road is one of the most highly polluted roads in the whole of Scotland according to Friends of the Earth. Despite pollution causing over 2,500 early deaths in Scotland every year, nitrogen dioxide limits set by the EU continue to be breached.

“There is a financial burden too with estimated costs to the Scottish economy over £1.1 billion annually. Air pollution from traffic fumes has a major impact on health, especially on children and people with existing health conditions.

“Low emission zones offer a real opportunity but they must be properly designed, apply to the most polluting vehicles and be supported by measures to make public transport, walking and cycling the best choice for everyone.”

The limit on nitrogen dioxide emissions that should have been met was set by the European Union. This target limit for tiny particles known as PM10s is a Scottish statutory standard that was supposed to have been met by the end of 2010.

Sheila Ritchie MEP (centre) with Christine Jardine MP and clean air campaigners.