Former Cabinet Secretary Sarah Boyack is to return to the Scottish Parliament, taking the list seat set to be vacated by Kezia Dugdale.
Sarah Boyack previously served as an MSP from 1999 to 2016. During that time she served as Minister for the Environment, Planning and Transport. 

As Transport Minister she introduced free bus travel for people over 60 and disabled people, regarded as one of Scottish Labour’s flagship achievements.

Sarah will step down from her role as Head of Public Affairs at the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).

Sarah Boyack photographed at Holyrood in 2014

Sarah Boyack said: “I’ve had the privilege to have worked with SFHA, its members and stakeholders for the last two years and have seen the impact both of the Scottish Parliament in framing the work they do and their day in day out support for communities and the affordable, safe and secure homes that they provide for tenants.

“However, there is unfinished business for me.  In the last three years the case for concerted action on climate change and the need to redouble our efforts to tackle poverty has accelerated. In Edinburgh, the affordable, accessible housing people need has become harder and harder to secure.  And then there’s the uncertainty and division caused by Brexit. 

“These are huge challenges and I’d relish the opportunity to serve in the Scottish Parliament. Finally, I’d want to pay tribute to the hard work of Kez and her team in the Lothians.”