The prestigious Edinburgh Medal is awarded to Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)

Ms Figueres was instrumental in the successful conclusion of the Paris talks.

At the summit all the world’s nations agreed for the first time to a binding commitment to avoid dangerous levels of global warming.

Figueres also served as the UN’s climate chief from 2010 until 2016.

She will deliver The Edinburgh Medal Address entitled Climate Change Where are We? at The Signet Library on Friday 5 April 2019 at 7.00pm. The lecture is aimed at 14+ and will last for an hour.

The special event will allow Ms Figueres to discuss the international picture in respect of action to halt climate change. The international cooperation which led to the historic 2015 Paris Agreement has not continued interrupted.

The Edinburgh Medal was instituted by the City of Edinburgh Council in 1988. Each year this prestigious award is given to men and women of science and technology whose professional achievements are judged to have made a significant contribution to the understanding and well-being of humanity. Previous recipients include Prof Jane Goodall, Prof Peter Higgs and Sir David Attenborough. This year’s Edinburgh Medal address is supported by Artemis.