Phil nails all today’s major issues in play in his fast not furious, voiced-based show… Master of mirth and energy, skipping from one thing to the next: a wheelbarrow display team, dog bites in Bangkok, being a swineherd.  Relax, yet be riveted, as Phil speedily sums up his year with all things that come to mind, some of which have not happened yet: discovering swans in Norwich, oranges in Guernsey, screaming Stephen Hawking, watching Olympic curling on MDMA, fortified wine-o, Tesla drag-races.

The description of his show only mentions about half the things Phil Kay covers during a breathless hour in Lighter Hour, while also not doing the performance justice.

Kay runs through some of the events in the last year of his life, as well as some longer ago.  As ever, he is a comic genius who is quick on his feet and able to interact with the audience.  Even the downpour Edinburgh enjoyed in the hours before the show I saw was used as material and we learned that laughter can dry your shoes.  Within five minutes he has you on side and fully engaged, that’s if you can stop laughing long enough to draw breath.  At one point asking an audience member the standard “Who are you and where are you from?” he then fires off a quick retort before the man can answer and moving on to something else.

Some people will tell you a Phil Kay show can be eventful and it is, but never in a scary way. Is it safe to interact with him?  Of course?  Go to the toilet mid-set?  Aye, nae worries.  That is if you don’t mind facing a maze Kay and your fellow audience members have quickly arranged while you were out of the room.  Still, if you’re coming to see Kay you know these things might happen, and that is part of the joy.

I was amazed the show was only an hour as it felt a lot longer, but in a good way. I couldn’t believe I had laughed that long and hard for such a short period of time.  The time really did fly and I was happy Phil Kay was the pilot.

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An everyday middle-aged person who wants to make a better, brighter Scotland. I also want to see Hibernian and Brentford FCs play well.