November is the month to remember in particular those who gave their lives in conflicts in the recent and distant past.

In recognition of that buildings across Scotland have been lit up red, including some iconic buildings in and around Edinburgh.

Gordon Michie, Head of Fundraising at Poppyscotland, said: “It’s fantastic to see Scotland lighting up red once again for the Scottish Poppy Appeal, and we’ve been blown away by the country’s support.

“We hope that when people see a wonderful iconic structure across the Edinburgh skyline glowing red over the Remembrance weekend they will think about the many ways they, too, can go the extra mile in their support for this year’s Poppy Appeal.

“Whether it’s putting a little bit more in the Poppy tin, or doing something completely different to raise money, every penny helps us to offer life-changing support so we can be there when they call for backup.”

Stephen Preston, Acting Head of Heritage and Culture at St Giles’ Cathedral, said: “For us at St Giles’ it is important to light up red as part of a city-wide effort to increase the visibility of the poppy and what it represents.

“The centenary of the First World War impresses upon us the significance that we should not forget that ordinary men and women gave their lives and wellbeing and if by lighting up red we can encourage the people of Edinburgh remember those people who were forced to become extraordinary, then we have achieved our goal.”