Gavin Tosh (blue jacket) of Clerwood Legal Services, leads a recent netwalk at Roslin Glen. Picture by Nigel Duncan Media

Midlothian and East Lothian Chamber (MELCC) are always trying new networking ideas.

Recently, they introduced netwalking which has proved extremely successful and netgolf also captured the imagination of members and non-members.

Now, MELCC are experimenting with a business treasure hunt during the October school holidays.

And you can bring your family free.

The treasure hunt will test your local knowledge and it is is planned for Tuesday, October 17.

Cars will leave from the award-winning Mercat Grill at 10 Whitecraig Road, Musselburgh EH21 8PG.

Start time is 2pm and the hunt will take you around interesting places in East Lothian and Midlothian picking up clues as you drive around.

The secret final destination meet time is at 6.30pm for a light buffet and drinks.
George Archibald, the chief executive of MELCC, said: “Many people enjoy car treasure hunts.

“Therefore, it seemed sensible to take this initiative into a business context. This is a trial but we trialled netwalking and that is a popular, regular feature on our events list now.

“Netgolf was an experiment during the summer and it proved really popular and we plan to host a similar event next summer.”

Incidentally, the next netwalk session is at Newbattle Woods in Midlothian.

It’s a circular route on Thursday, October 5 from 2pm to 5pm and guests – plus dogs if you wish – will stroll through the river valley and woodlands. The meeting point is Newbattle Abbey College car park for a quick briefing.

Mr Archibald said: “There are no set agendas or networking rules just a great walk in beautiful countryside that allows you time to chat, bounce ideas and develop business relationships on an informal basis.”

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Experienced news, business, arts, sport and travel journalist. Food critic and managing editor of a well-established food and travel website. Also a magazine editor of publications with circulations of up to 200,000 and managing director of a long-established PR/marketing company with a string of blue-chip clients in its CV. Former communications lecturer at a Scottish university and social media specialist for a string of successful and busy SMEs.