Few predicted the events of 2016.  Even fewer seem to know where we are going.  Mark Thomas sets out to discover what the future has in store for us by collecting and examining his own predictions and those of his audiences, before gambling on their outcome.

By making futurologists of us all, he will create a fantastical, hilarious and possibly accurate vision of the world.  And maybe even make a few quid on the side.

Mark Thomas’ A Show That Gambles on the Future has a simple premise; can we, the great unwashed, do better than futurists, pollsters and pundits in predicting what’s around the corner.  No bookie would give you odds on me enjoying it, I’ve loved the man’s work for thirty years now.  As usual, he didn’t disappoint and had me cackling and laughing yet again.

While the idea is simple, you could argue he’s crowd-sourcing the show’s content.  However, while the show is partially improvised around the audience’s suggestions, Mark Thomas deftly uses them to add colour and texture.  While the show returns to themes explored in Mark Thomas’ previous ones, such as Bravo Figaro, the People’s Manifesto and the Red Shed, it is a different beast.  Needless to say, Brexit and Trump do feature but could they not in a political satirist’s current show.

During the performance I saw on Saturday, other topics featured, including the bloody trams, how not to pull a sickie and ferrets.  My favourite riff from a suggestion was the destruction of David Miliband’s alleged credentials to lead the Labour Party.  Every word was true and very much deserved, wee mealy-mouthed former politician that he is.

The show asks the audience to contribute and play their part but it is not onerous.

However, you’ll need to defend your suggestions so make sure you have prepared ypur arguments.  I look forward to seeing what you make Mark ask his favourite Kiwi bookie about the odds for.

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An everyday middle-aged person who wants to make a better, brighter Scotland. I also want to see Hibernian and Brentford FCs play well.