The current councillors for the Southside and Newington Ward are

Steve Burgess – Scottish Green Party
Ian Perry – Scottish Labour Party
Jim Orr – Scottish National Party (SNP)
Cameron Rose – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

Jim Orr became an Independent councillor and is not seeking reelection.

The ward remains a four member ward and the candidates are

BURGESS, Steve (Scottish Green Party)

DICKIE, Alison (Scottish National Party (SNP))

FARTHING, Dan (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

PERRY, Ian (Scottish Labour Party)

ROSE, Cameron (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)

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The candidates for 2017 are


Steve Burgess Green Party

Steve Burgess represents Southside/Newington Ward on Edinburgh City Council and is the head of the Green Group on the council. Before being elected, Steve was a research scientist at Edinburgh University and latterly former Head of Research for Green Members of the Scottish Parliament.

Here he is talking to The Edinburgh Reporter about concerns in his own Ward and the Green Group’s plans to increase their numbers :

Steve Burgess Green Party candidate from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

Alison Dickie SNP

Alison stood in the 2016 Holyrood Election. She is a local Edinburgh teacher and a former civil servant in the Scottish Parliament, a volunteer in youth work and now homeless services, and a mother of two grown up sons.

Dan Farthing Liberal Democrat

Dan runs a small charity based in Edinburgh and lives in the south of the city with his family.

His early political experiences came when as a young man he worked for Charles Kennedy MP in the Highlands. As a result he is passionate about returning to a robust but respectful style of politics where politicians spend at least as much time listening as talking.

Since then he has worked for the elected Mayor of Watford where a Lib Dem controlled council is improving local services and strengthening local communities.  Apart from a brief spell at NHS Lothian he has spent most of his career working with patient groups to ensure that the people who use health services have a voice in how they are designed and delivered.  In particular, he has campaigned for those infected with blood borne viruses as the result of NHS treatment.

He is campaigning for Sciennes Primary School to benefit from the sale of the neighbouring Sick Kids Hospital site with more space of facilities.

Ian Perry Labour

Ian has been the Planning Convener during the last administration. This is probably one of the most thankless posts and certainly one which attracts a lot of attention.

Cameron Rose Conservative Party

Cameron is the leader of the Conservative Group on the council.

He is a former policeman and writes a blog here.


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.