Happy St Patrick’s Day to all of you Irish people who live here with us in Edinburgh!

From today Edinburgh turns green for the whole week with a range of events across the city.

Tonight the Irish will celebrate St Patrick’s Day at Assembly Rooms in the city centre.

But other events include these:

12.30   St Patrick’s Mass, St Patrick’s RC Church, Cowgate

  7.30   Taster session with the Edinburgh Irish Set Dancers

  8.00   Irish Language: Celebrate St Patrick`s Day (Boda Bar, Leith Walk)

  8.30   Comedy: Stuart Mitchell at the Dalriada Bar, Portobello

  9.00   Traditional Irish Music Session with Tim O’Leary (Captain`s Bar)

  9.00   Traditional Music Session with The Sessioneers (Sandy Bell`s)

Saturday 18th March

12.00   Irish Language: Pop-up Brunch (Dalriada Bar, Portobello) 

  3.00   Irish Ceili & Storytelling for Children with Fallon Academy of Irish Dance

  3.00   Irish Music Session with Sean Paul Newman, Portobello

  7.00   St Patrick’s Day Charity Ball with live music, food and drink!

  7.00   Comedy: The Stand Saturday Show hosted by Martin Mor.

  9.00   Irish Dance & Music: Unplugged at Dalriada, Portobello

Sunday 19th March

  3.00   Music Session: Joanna & Jed at the Dalriada Bar, Portobello

  8.30   Irish/Scottish Folk Music: Wee Folk Club with Leo McCann & friends

Monday 20th March

  7.00   Film: Waking Ned Devine (1998) Irish Lottery winner dies of shock!

Tuesday 21st March

  7.00   Talk: James Connolly, Jim Larkin & the 1907 Belfast Dockers Strike

Wednesday 22nd March

  5.30   Talk: Ireland’s Political Economy by Robert McDowell at Summerhall

  8.00   Edinburgh Folk Club: Support spot with Cathal McConnell & friends

Thursday 23rd March

  5.30   Talk: with Dan Mulhall, Irish Ambassador to the UK

                 Organised with the Academy of Government, University of Edinburgh

The Irish Ambassador to the UK will give a talk on Scottish-Irish Relations past present and post-Brexit. Free but ticketed.

Friday 24th March

  7.30   Taster session with the Edinburgh Irish Set Dancers

  5.30   Talk: Owen Dudley Edwards “The Uses of Irish History in Scotland”

Saturday 25th March

  6.00   Siamsoir Irish & Scottish Dance Show – A Celtic Faery Tale

If you would like to receive a monthly newsletter from Edinburgh’s Festival of Ireland then email office@efoi.org.uk 

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.