In Houston, Texas late on Sunday night,  the Atlanta Falcons will take on the New England Patriots in the National Football League and the winner will take home the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

But ten hours before that two teams will clash at Meggetland to decide who wins the capital’s 2017 American Football Varsity Trophy.

Edinburgh Napier Knights host Edinburgh University Predators in a game that’s expected to bring in a four-figure crowd.   The Knights and Predators meet with both teams currently unbeaten, although Knights’ Head Coach Pete Laird believes could be a real test.

He said:  “This Predators’ team is one to be wary of, they have multiple scoring threats. This year’s Varsity game is going to be more exciting than ever, with the result being the potential championship decider, the crowds really get into the match, with opposing team colours of red and green on display and a lot of noise coming from the stands.”

The event, which is being hosted by Edinburgh Leisure, will have a Come and try session before kick-off as well as a DJ, and appearance from Edinburgh Napier Big Band and the Napier Panthers Cheer Squad all before the 2:30 pm kickoff.

Tickets are free for under 16s £4 for adults and £2 for students and for those old enough to enjoy each ticket comes with free entry to The Three Sisters for the Super Bowl Party, starting at 8 pm.