Hibs’ longest serving player Lewis Stevenson scored his seventh goal for the club in yesterday’s 8-1 victory over Bonnyrigg Rose at Tynecastle yesterday then admitted that he will have to work on his celebrations.

Momentum carried him over the byeline after smashing in Hibs’ fifth goal and he ended up celebrating with the delighted supporters in the packed Roseburn Stand.

In fact, but for the heroics of the Rose’ keeper Michael Andrews, Stevenson could also have scored in the first half.

Now the popular Fifer will be glued to the radio this afternoon to see who Hibs face in the next round and he is hoping to have a home tie.

Speaking immediately after the game to Hibs TV, Stevenson said: “I’m always delighted to score. I don’t score often, but I think that’s one in each of the last four seasons now.

“I’ve scored seven goals now, so it’s a bit more respectable now, I’m going to have to get a decent celebration and find out what to do. I was worried that I would get booked by going into the crowd but thankfully the referee saw it as momentum.

“It was good in spells. I though in the second half we played how we can do bit I thought the first half was a bit scrappy.

“Bonnyrigg are a decent team. There is not much difference between them making it as senior players so we knew it would be tough.

“They beat Dumbarton over two games and were well organised and had some dangerous players but I thought we dealt with it well.

“Overall we are happy and will look forward to the draw.

“In the next round, home games are better, but we’ll take whoever. We’ll have to beat the best teams if we want to win it again, so we’ll take anyone. I’m sure teams will look at us and be worried about what we can do.

“We have good memories from last year and we want to keep that going.”

Photo by John Preece

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.