TER Hibs win the Scottish Cup

Hibernian Retro is encouraging all Hibs’ supporters to take part in a local community clean up of the Leith Walk, Easter road area ahead of Saturday’s home match against Ayr United.

Volunteers should meet at 10am at the cul-de-sac at Allanfield beside the recycling bins.

Litter pickers and bin bags will be provided and refreshments will be available afterwards,

The initiative is being organised by Councillor Marion Donaldson who can be contacted on contact@edinburghnorthernandleith.com.

The appeal  from Hibernian Retro was published on their Facebook page reads: ” To keep Hibernian FC’s longstanding community spirit going, Hibernian Retro have teamed up with Hibee Councillor Marion Donaldson to “Clean Up Edinburgh”

“We are calling for Hibernian FC supporters to join Councillor Marion Donaldson and the local community for a clean-up.

“This Saturday 10-11:30am before our Home Match against Ayr United we will be helping pick up litter between Leith Walk & Easter Road, meeting at the cul-de-sac at Allanfeild.

“Why not come along and do your bit for your community. We all should take pride in where were from!

“Pop along and help before the match and you’ll still have time to go to the pub for refreshments.

“Our Community – Our Hibernian FC


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John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.