20151014-TER-8 Edinburgh’s Budget Consultation 

Scottish International Storytelling Festival 

What’s on listings 

Martin Creed at the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art

Today’s weather in Edinburgh

The council would like to hear from you about what it should do with the money you pay to it in the form of council tax.

Edinburgh residents are being asked for their views on how the Council spends and saves money as part of public engagement on proposals for the 2016-20 budget.

This year people will also get the chance to contribute ideas of their own on how city services are provided, using the online ‘Your City, Your Say’ dialogue page.
The web page will form part of a ten-week engagement period allowing the public to feed back on proposals for the Council’s 2016-20 budget, which aim to address an overall shortfall of £126m.

Later this week the Scottish International Storytelling Festival begins.

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival is the world’s largest celebration of live, traditional storytelling, taking place as the season’s change in Scotland’s stunning capital city and reaching out across the nation as Scottish tellers merge with guests from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, in a fantastic, ten-day celebration of oral traditions and cultural diversity.

More information on what’s on in the programme here

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Our What’s on listings will finish at the end of this week in their present form. Please tell us about your events here!

We will use your press releases, posters or your words to tell our readers what is going on in Edinburgh.


 Martin Creed is the artist who redesigned the Scotsman Steps and who has a lovely installation at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
TER Martin Creed Alright

On Thursday 22 October 2015 he will be at the gallery where he will play music and talk about his art in the exhibition where you can see more of his work as part of the Reflections display at Modern One. 

There will be a pop-up pay bar provided by Barney’s Beers. Tickets are £5 (£4) available through 0131 624 6560 or online from Eventbrite. The Museum say they will release more tickets this week.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.