
There are probably few of us who are not appalled by the photographs on the front of the national newspapers showing quite graphically the plight of the refugees from Syria and other countries. It is difficult to know what can be done as there are many different answers but in Scotland an organisation has sprung up with members determined to take some positive action.

SNP MSP Colin Keir today welcomed the launch of the ‘Scotland Supports Refugees’ initiative. The volunteer-led organisation has been set up to raise awareness about the refugee crisis in Europe, campaign for action and raise funds to support humanitarian relief.

Nicola Sturgeon pledges that she will ensure that Scotland will do everything possible to help the refugee crisis.

Posted by Scottish National Party (SNP) on Thursday, 3 September 2015

Following First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s comments on the refugee crisis at FMQs, Colin Keir SNP MSP for Edinburgh Western said: “Daily we see people driven by desperation drowning in the Mediterranean Sea while the UK Government remains unwilling to act responsibly and welcome refugees fleeing Syria and other war torn nations.

“I warmly welcome the formation of the ‘Scotland Supporting Refugees’ initiative and support wholeheartedly their aims. It is a gross dereliction of its humanitarian responsibilities to act in the way the UK government currently is.

“I call on Prime Minister David Cameron to recognise that he is increasingly out of step with public opinion and change the UK position now. He should join Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in welcoming refugees.”

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.