Dear All

Four pupils from Portobello High School will be tracing the footsteps of pupils from a hundred years ago when they set off in October for the beaches and battlefields of Gallipoli. This is part of an exciting international initiative organised by the Gallipoli Centenary Education Project involving pupils from schools in those countries that sent troops there.  More here: Portobello and the Great War

New Group for young writers aged 16-25, in collaboration with Out of the Blue.  You’ll get advice on how to write, edit, design and publish your own material,.  The big launch is at 6pm on Wednesday 7 October here: Craigmillar Library  And hopefully, we’ll be fostering the young writers of the future for this great initiative: Craigmillar Chronicle on Line

Craigmillar Library 5

The fabulous Craigmillar Library is looking for feedback on the services they offer in order to improve and ensure they are providing the best for people who use the Library or might in future.  See here:  Customer Survey

There will be a folk concert in St Mark’s Episcopal Church off Portobello High Street (opposite top of Bellfield Street) on Wednesday 7 October.  Details here:  Folk Concert


A date for your diary: ‘Spooktastic’ Fundraiser for The Thistle Foundation – a Quiz Night on Friday 6 November, 7 for 7.30pm at Hearts Supporters Club, Craigmillar Castle Avenue (just opposite Thistle Entrance) .  More here: Quiz Night


Portobello Community Council meets Monday 28 September at 7:30 pm in Portobello Baptist Church Hall, 185 Portobello High Street. All welcome to attend.  Agenda and more information here: Portobello Community Council


If you (or your son/daughter) are out in uptown Edinburgh on Friday or Saturday nights and find you or other in your company need some help in a crisis, the Edinburgh Safezone Bus is there for you in Cathedral Lane opposite the Omni Centre and the Playhouse, between 10pm and 4am.  Or you can call the bus staff on 07920 70 65 68.  More here: Safezone Bus  The Edinburgh Bus is a fabulous example of everyone working together to keep people safe. This film highlights the huge benefits of this kind of partnership working.


More on collaboration with the Third Sector here: Compact Quarterly Newsletter  Sign up to getting it quarterly Here


There is still time for you to comment on the Lothians, Borders, Edinburgh and Southern Fife region-wide SESplan Main Issues Report which is about how we might develop the City Region over the coming decades: Press release from SESplan


More about planning issues in the City of Edinburgh’s regular planning blog.  Link here: Planning Edinburgh


The Co-op have a £750,000 fund from the plastic bag charge to help local projects.  Here’s how to apply:  Co-op Local Fund Application


Seeking funding to continue your project? Click here:  Big Lottery


To keep children safer, vehicular traffic is being banned around six Edinburgh primary schools at drop-off and pick-up times. The council-run pilot scheme is intended to keep moving traffic away from streets outside the schools for an hour at the beginning and end of each day for at least 18 months. An exclusion zone for cars is now set up outside Duddingston and St John’s RC primary schools as part of phase 1 and Towerbank will be part of phase 2 in the New Year. More here: School Streets


A Scottish Parliament Committee wants your views on parking on pavements and double parking. Watch their video to find out more: Double Parking Video


This weekend it’s “Goodbye to Cockenzie power station, a cathedral to coal”: Guardian Article  I will be away for a short break until Monday afternoon, so will miss this great demolition spectacle which we could clearly see from Portobello beach!  Quite a loss.


Best wishes for a great weekend, when it comes – whatever you’re doing.




Councillor Maureen Child | Labour Elected Member | Portobello/Craigmillar (Ward 17) | City of Edinburgh Council | City Chambers | High Street | Edinburgh | EH1 1YJ | Tel 0131 529 3268 | Mobile 07718 666 481| Twitter @MaureenChild1