TER CraigroystonAll the national exam candidates in Edinburgh get their exam results today and early indications are that those who sat exams of all ages have once again improved on their performances in many areas from last year and that Edinburgh’s overall good performance has been maintained.

Today over 8000 pupils get over 40,000 results. These numbers include special schools, adults and mainstream secondary schools.

By the end of S4 39% of the roll achieved five qualifications at National 5 Level which is an increase of over 1% from last year.

Across the city 17,700 students sat a selection of National 5 courses (pass rate A-C of 80%).

By the end of S5 58% of all pupils achieved one or more Highers – a 4% improvement on last year and a 16% improvement since 2009.

Across the city there were 6,354 pupils who sat the revised Higher (pass rate A-C of 77%) and 4,693 sat the new Curriculum for Excellence Higher (pass rate 82%).

By the end of S6, 63% of the S4 roll achieved one or more Highers – a 2% improvement on last year and a 15% improvement since 2009.

Overall for S4 pupils 1,325 awards were certificated at SCQF Level 3, 6,779 awards were certificated at SCQF Level 4 and 13,562 awards were certificated at SCQF Level 5.

Ahead of the results being announced Nicola Wilson, 16 years, is an S6 pupil at Broughton High School. She said: “I’m really keen to study Speech and Language Pathology at Strathclyde University so need at least 2As and 3Bs in my Highers. I did well last year in my exams so am hoping for the same again this year.”

[tweet_box design=”default”]Education Convener, Councillor Paul Godzik, said: “Early indications from the SQA exam results show that 2015 has been another really positive year for our pupils which is really encouraging.[/tweet_box]

“It’s a real achievement to have not only sustained but built on the successes of last year.

“I also want to congratulate all our teaching staff on their commitment to delivering learning experiences of the highest standards especially given the introduction of the new exams. Our pupils should be very proud of themselves too – all their hard work has certainly paid off and praise should also go to parents who have supported their children over the past year.

“The Council is committed to making sure all school leavers enter a positive destination of employment, training or further education. This year a record 93.1% of young people achieved and sustained a positive destination through initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee. We will be looking to build on this in the future and look forward to seeing many more placements and positive results.”