
Experienced business performance coach is bringing a new business improvement tool to the Fife, Edinburgh and Lothians marketplace.

Edinburgh, Fife and the Lothians are to become one of the first areas of the UK to benefit from a unique business improvement methodology called System-Four, which could dramatically improve business growth; staff motivation and wellbeing in a variety of different industries as they continue to recover from many years of recession and economic uncertainty.

8e97e3_1cd9726197104307bfbf2f48bb202b7d.jpg_srz_p_91_89_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzCreated by Corporate Coach and NLP Practitioner, Wendy Chalmers Mill, System-Four began life as a as series of Training Conferences, which Wendy and her co facilitator in the system, Mark Douglas, held throughout Scotland.

Following the development of the methodology as a flexible business tool, System-Four can now go directly into companies and businesses of all sizes, and is jointly facilitated by two practitioners.

As it is highly tailored to each individual company using it, System-Four can be facilitated by Wendy and Mark over a single day, or, depending on what the client wants, perhaps up to three days of training. It can also be applied to very specific problems or challenges in the workplace.

Said Wendy:”I am delighted to introduce System-Four directly into a business environment. The training conferences were very successful, but my ultimate aim was to bring the system right to my client’s door. I see huge potential in many industry sectors, to boost morale and improve business performance. Rather than have to attend a specific training conference, the system can now come to you, the employer.”

“What is different about System Four is that it is collaborative learning, “said Wendy, who has twenty five years experience of the physical, emotional and communication needs of businesses, and lists The House of Commons and The House of Lords as long term clients.

“It is as far removed from the old Power Point way of learning and training as you can get,” said Wendy, “in the past staff were trained “at” rather than facilitated “with”.

“We use visual learning methods to carry out the training. System-Four is all about getting staff in an organisation to become accountable and take ownership of their problems. Then they can develop a realistic action plan which ensures that the necessary changes really do happen.”

Added Wendy: “We need two facilitators to carry out the System-Four system, so it is immediately much more interactive. Mark works within the corporate world as a Change & Leadership Specialist, partnering CE’s and Directors to unleash profits. We work well together and bring different areas of expertise to the table.”

8e97e3_fd2232649a5c4e7b97722b8c5db5b2cd.png_srz_p_228_168_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srzSystem Four encourages participative leadership in an organisation, it is designed to enable co-workers to start talking to each other in the correct way and to come together to problem solve.

“Based on my many years of experience in interpersonal and non verbal skills, I have found that staff are less competitive and work better together when they have a joint goal. System Four enables them to make decisions together, “said Wendy.

“The evidence of our last extremely damaging recession was that in many cases, keeping the right staff in the firm was vital for when better times returned. System-Four is an investment in your staff, they are best placed to deal with their own challenges if they have the right problem solving techniques,” she finished.

System-Four is a UK wide operation, and since developing the workplace based system from the original Training Conference hybrid, Wendy is expecting to boost her parent business Positive Performance too. The firm deals with personal development and leadership training to motivate staff and improve job satisfaction and well being. For 2015-16, System-Four is projecting to double its turnover, with a number of companies across Scotland already signed up to collaborative sessions.

For further details checkout http://www.system-four.com or contact Wendy on 07973 262005.

Submitted by CLARE GRAHAM