2015_04_02 Edinburgh 26

Talking to the trees

Sculpture garden plans

Telferton Allotments

The Reel Edinburgh Tour



We just had visitors from Melbourne who were delighted with all the sights they were shown in Edinburgh, and so we were drawn to this story on the BBC about the trees in Melbourne which receive mail.

Listen to the BBC clip below. But what do you think?

[tweet_box design=”default”]Should we start identifying our trees here in Edinburgh and sending them some love letters? [/tweet_box]

Our photo is of some lovely trees in the Phoenix Park in Dublin which we have tweaked with the Colour Splash app. Which trees in Edinburgh do you like? Will you send us some photos? Click here to add them to our storyboard.



Edinburgh Palette has big plans for the overgrown and inaccessible embankment between the St Margaret’s House and London Road. They wonder if you can imagine being able to wander along a footpath loop, with all sorts of nooks and spaces to explore?

Their spokesman said: “We have appointed HERE+NOW, a local landscape architecture and co-design community interest company, to undertake a feasibility study into the potential for a sculpture garden on the embankment.”

Watch this space!


Allotment holders under threat of eviction from house builders 

Did you read our story published yesterday about the threat to Telferton Allotments in the east of the city?

Read it here and watch this extract of the story below.


The Reel Edinburgh Tour will show you round Edinburgh from one cinematic location to another.

Their website explains: “Join them on a whistle-stop movie tour of Edinburgh’s cinematic past, present and future, meeting faithful dogs, idiosyncratic teachers, boy wizards and a host of other characters in a city that’s a real-life movie set! Discover Auld Reekie’s surprising, sometimes unsung contribution to cinema, and learn about some of its classic picture houses.”

More information here. and tweet your photos with #myfilmmoments in the tweet.


Tomorrow there is a big digital event taking place in Edinburgh when the city is asked to submit recommendations for things to do over a 24 hour period.

We will be collating the social media with the hashtag #ThisisEdinburgh24 over here on our TERLive section.

Line up your best recommendations ready to tweet or Instagram them tomorrow morning any time from 6:00am.


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.