2014_02_05 City Chambers 1

Following a ‘reshuffle’ within the Edinburgh Council Conservative Group, Councillor Nick Cook has been appointed as new Conservative Group Spokesman for Transport and Environment.

His appointment as Spokesman follows his move to the Transport and Environment Committee, as agreed at yesterday’s Full Council meeting and AGM as part of a general reappointment to all council committees.

Nick_Cook_16_200x200Councillor Nick Cook said: ” I am delighted to have been appointed to the role of Conservative Group Spokesman for Transport and Environment.

“The ruling administration in the City Chambers faces a number of challenges, such as deciding the future of the Trams and finally getting a grip of the city’s crumbling roads and footways. The role of any good opposition Party is to scrutinise and hold to account, both of which I intend to do constructively.

“I have been clear for some time my personal belief that city transport policy has swung too far away from suburban motorists and I intend to pursue a transport policy which is equitable to all road users.

“I am also aware from my own mailbox that Council tax payers are rightly demanding real improvements on waste collections and dog fouling. Both are areas in need of significant attention.”


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.