
Today when the council meets there are a few changes. First of all the SNP group have a new leader Councillor Sandy Howat who represents Meadows/Morningside Ward, who also steps up to Deputy Council Leader at the same time.

Councillor Steve Cardownie stepped down as SNP group leader and Deputy Council Leader earlier this week, saying he wants to give someone else a chance and also that he wants to spend more time with his family.

This is also the first meeting of the council after the budget meeting in February, although we do not enter the new financial year until the beginning of April 2015.

Follow today’s events here with some chat from Twitter, some insights into what is being said and done as a result of today’s proceedings. The full council papers for the meeting are here on the council website, and you can also watch the proceedings live or as a recorded version by clicking here.

Our live blog is also on Facebook here. Why not like us while you’re over there?

Live Blog The City of Edinburgh Council meeting 12 March 2015