POP2 May 2013 1

Cycling Scotland has issued figures claiming that cycling rates have increased in Scotland by a third since 2003, and the number of people who cycle regularly is highest in Edinburgh than anywhere else with 12.2% saying they either cycle to work every day or most days. 

Convener of Transport & Environment – Lesley Hinds
Convener of Transport & Environment – Lesley Hinds

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Transport Convener, said: “I very much welcome this report, which highlights the great strides we’ve made in the Capital to encourage active travel. More people in Edinburgh cycle, walk and use public transport to get to work than anywhere else in the country and every year we invest an increasing proportion of our Transport budget in cycling projects – this coming financial year it will be up to 8%.  

“Edinburgh has a much-loved and growing Family Friendly Network and there are a number of projects under way or in the pipeline that will help boost provision further, such as the Meadows to Innocent Tunnel Path works, which are due to start on Monday 9 March and the ongoing trial of on-street bike storage across the City. We can’t become complacent, though, and through our Cycling and Walking Forums, we continue to explore ways of making active travel even more appealing to our residents and visitors.”

TER bike and car

Minister for Transport and the Islands, Derek Mackay MSP, said:

“I welcome this latest update from Cycling Scotland as part of its role in delivering the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland.   The increase in some figures is a positive sign but there is still work to be done among all partners to achieve our shared vision of 10% of journeys by bike by 2020.

“It is encouraging that Sustrans is working with at least 41 partners in delivering community links projects this year. This shows a real appetite for partnership working and to match-fund Scottish Government record investment at a local level.”

Chief Executive of Cycling Scotland, Keith Irving, commented:

“The report, prepared by Cycling Scotland, demonstrates how cycling is truly becoming an everyday activity for more people of all ages and abilities in many places across Scotland.  The success in many communities show that it is possible to make a step change in getting people on bikes anywhere in Scotland. Investment in cycling is at record levels and as national and local government continues to invest in cycling, improving health, cutting emissions and tackling inequalities, it is essential we continue to monitor the progress in enabling more people to cycle more. We need action across Scotland to enable the Cycling Action Plan vision of 10% of journeys by bike to be reached and today’s report helps demonstrate where we need to renew our efforts.”