
Edinburgh City Singers is a city centre community choir which has been on the go for just a year, but it was a year topped with a well-attended Christmas concert. Now they need you to join in to ensure that their second year is even better than the first.

As it is the time of New Years’ Resolutions, they would love you to do something new and come along to try out the choir as their new activity for the year.

Michelle Cresswell started the choir. She said: “We’re a really friendly bunch and sing a wide range of music – this forthcoming term we’ll be singing pop songs through the ages, from The Beatles and Queen, right through to Katy Perry and Carly Rae-Jepson.

“Singers don’t have to be able to read music, nor even sing very well, they just need a love for singing.

“What sets us apart from other choirs in Edinburgh is our pay-as-you-go system: you only pay for the rehearsals you attend.

“We meet on Mondays at 7pm at St Cuthbert’s Church on Lothian Road. Come and join us!”


Submitted by Michelle Cresswell






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