logoCapability Scotland Musicians hit the right note

Fifteen talented musicians from Capability Scotland services across the country, have created their own song to celebrate the ‘friendly games’.

The disability charity received £10,000 from the Big Lottery CelebrateIt fund to write, record and film their own song to celebrate the upcoming Commonwealth Games. On Saturday, the first live performance of ‘When Your Voice Is But A Whisper’ took place at Upper Springland in Perth, and today a music video to the accompany the potential hit has been released online.

The song gave fifteen Capability Scotland musicians, from Edinburgh, Perth, Dundee, Fife and Elderslie, an opportunity to go in to a recording studio for the first time and receive the full superstar treatment.

John McGloughlin, an enthusiastic musician from Wallace Court in Elderslie, said “they will think we have been hired by Simon Cowell.”

The writing of the song has been a collaborative project, connecting people that use Capability Scotland’s services across the country. ‘When Your Voice Is But A Whisper’ is themed around friendship and having your voice heard, two themes customers felt were very important to them.

The project has used sound beam technology, an inclusive tool that allows users to choose their desired musical instrument and control the sound through movement. The project has been a great example of collaborative and inclusive work across Capability Scotland services.

Dana O’Dwyer, Capability Scotland Chief Executive, said: “The fifteen musicians have put in a phenomenal amount of work to get to today. The project has been a great opportunity for customers to get involved in something they are passionate about; it has given our musicians a platform to express themselves in a way they truly enjoy. We hope everyone else likes the song and the video as much as we do. ”

Capability Scotland worked closely with LA Media UK to produce the video and with Loopmaniac recording studios to record the song.

You can watch the video on the Capability Scotland website – http://www.capability-scotland.org.uk

Follow Capability Scotland on Twitter: @Capability_Scot, or like them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CapabilityScotland

 Submitted by Lauren Pluss

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