Green councillors have slammed the Edinburgh Local Development Plan passed by a special meeting of Planning Committee today.

Green member of the Planning Committee, Councillor Nigel Bagshaw was left in a peculiar position earlier this afternoon when he submitted his amendment to the Capital Coalition motion and had to depend on a councillor from another party to formally second it. SNP Councillor Frank Ross said he was happy to formally second the Green Group’s demands, meaning he did not perhaps agree with the content. He did say however that he though that what Councillor Bagshaw proposed was so important that it had to be heard, so in supporting the motion he ensured that the Green Group’s concerns would be put on the record of today’s meeting.

The Green Group claim that the LDP will allow large tranches of greenbelt land to be ‘sacrificed’ for new suburban housing development despite heavy criticism that too much land was being allocated and widespread objections from the public and community groups.

Cllr Nigel Bagshaw, proposed his amendment to focus development on existing brownfield sites, empty properties and to seek more compact development, but was defeated.

Bagshaw said after the meeting:- “I am very frustrated by today’s decision which I believe is based on taking at face value what developers want rather than what the city needs.  Yes, Edinburgh urgently needs more affordable housing, but well-connected to existing services, transport and communities, not spread out in more suburban sprawl.

“The Local Development Plan puts developer greed above housing need.”

Councillor Ian Perry the planning convener explained to the meeting that the LDP had to be passed today.

He said:- “We want to put the plan out to consultation as there is a danger in not having an LDP at all. Without the plan we cannot defend greenfield sites.”

It was pointed out during the meeting that Problem is that if the council remove any site from the LDP they will have to replace it with something else, and they would not reach their target otherwise.

The Conservatives explained that they were worried about the effect this LDP will have on the city. They believe it will cause increased congestion and will allow greenfield to be used before brownfield.

The LDP will now be put out for consultation for six weeks for interested parties to comment on what has been agreed. All of those who commented on the first proposed LDP will be contacted to ensure that they know they can make a fresh comment on this plan.

Curriemuirend Park is included in a zone for housing in the proposed plan, even though over 800 objections to that were lodged with the council and a Save Curriemuirend Park group has been very active in campaigning against the plans.

The full text of the Capital Coalition motion is here:-