• Registration now open for unique 18th June business – academic event

The University of Edinburgh has become the first higher academic institute in the world outside Scandinavia to be approved as hosts for AIMday® – a collaborative knowledge exchange initiative which began life at Uppsala University in Sweden – giving companies access to academic specialists capable of identifying solutions to specific issues they are facing.

Organised by Edinburgh Research and Innovation, the commercialisation arm of the University of Edinburgh, AIMday’s objective is to give academics valuable insights into what kind of issues companies are having difficulties with and how these might relate to their own research. By working collaboratively on real life industry challenges, fresh understanding and perspectives can be brought to company strategic objectives.

Registration is now open for the inaugural event which takes place on 18th June at the University of Edinburgh’s Kings Buildings Campus where the focus will spotlight Modelling and Simulation.

The use of Modelling and Simulation is becoming increasingly important across all industries due to the need to reduce costs, minimise waste, etc. Modelling is a tool used when a system is too complex, too costly or too vast to measure. Equally, Simulation technology has long been included in the body of knowledge of engineering management. Modelling and Simulation has already helped to reduce costs and increased the quality of products and systems.

AIMday Modelling and Simulation will help to identify ways of examining and testing various scenarios by translating a myriad of business problems which academic scientists can relate to, therefore pinpointing where improvements can be made using M&S techniques.

Ian Sharp, Commercial Relations Manager at Edinburgh Research and Innovation (ERI), University of Edinburgh commented:- “Businesses can often face what they might perceive as insurmountable challenges to get a product or service to the next stage of its evolution. AIMday, with its focus of Modelling and Simulation, will be ideally suited for many businesses hoping to seek an academic partner with the pedigree to work through a range of options for testing and experimenting with potential improvements.

“Through our science and engineering disciplines, we cover a broad range of current modelling and simulation research including product life cycle modelling and designing model organisms for biological tests and access to a range of simulation software for physics and engineering applications.

“We’re thrilled the University of Edinburgh has been chosen as the first outside the Nordic countries to host an AIMday and we’re hoping for a good level of engagement from the Scottish industrial and business communities.”

AIMday has its origins within the Ångström Materials Academy at Uppsala University, which arranged its first Materials Day in 2008.

The success was immediate. Industrial companies got expert feedback on issues of importance to them and the academic scientists gained valuable insights into the types of issues that are important to industry. In addition, ideas for further research were generated and various forms of collaborations started.

Since its inception, the AIMday concept has been extended to other disciplinary areas, like life science, humanities and social sciences where the concept has continued to flourish.

University of Edinburgh’s AIMday Modelling & Simulation will be held within the Swann Building on Kings Building Campus. Further details and registration can be found at