

Equal Marriage – EdinburghReportage – Council meeting – Digital Sentinel – Tonight at Carberry Tower

The Scottish Parliament voted yesterday evening to pass the Same Sex Marriage Bill.

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing Alex Neil said:

“This is a historic moment for equality in Scotland.

“I am proud that the Scottish Parliament has taken this progressive and hugely important decision in favour of equal rights in our country.

“It is right that same sex couples should be able to freely express their love and commitment to each other through getting married. Marriage is about love, and that has always been at the heart of this issue.

“That was the clear message from Scotland’s Parliament today. We must no longer allow same sex couples who wish to get married to be barred from doing so.

“Thanks to this bill, same sex couples now have the same access to marriage – one of our most important institutions – as everyone else.

“There has been overwhelming support for this Bill from the beginning and many MSPs from across the political spectrum have expressed considered, personal opinions.

“We now need to work quickly and in close co-operation with Westminster on implementation. On that basis, I very much look forward to seeing the first same sex marriages taking place in Scotland as soon as is possible.”

Thomas Haywood was there to watch the important milestone and take some photos of those supporting the bill. More here.


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The full council meets tomorrow at the City Chambers and we will be there to report on proceedings. The meeting will also be webcast so that you can follow everything live.

One of the questions put to the council relates to the Lord Provost’s expenses which we explain further here.


Wester Hailes used to have a newspaper prior to council cuts which then made it impossible for papers like the West Edinburgh Times (formerly known as the Sentinel) or the North Edinburgh News to continue.

The Digital Sentinel is aiming to be a new online version of the local paper, but it needs input from locals either as volunteer reporters or as sources of local stories. You can join in by going along to WHALE Arts today at 1.00pm or to Wester Hailes Library at 5.30 until 7.00pm. The Digital Sentinel is funded by Carnegie UK Trust’s Neighbourhood News fund and there is training available to turn you into a citizen journalist.

Read more here.


Tonight at Carberry Tower you can eat – French!  Tickets are £45 per person and all you need apart from that is a beret and a fake French accent……

More details here.