McDonald Road Library 3


Council properties for sale – Petition for Museum in Leith – Dieter Roth at Summerhall – Princes St painting to be auctioned – Lauriston Castle event 

If you are looking for a commercial property then the council are selling some off. You will find all the properties they currently have for sale or let here on this map. 

The properties range from the former Danderhall Police office to the former Lothian Buses office in Shandwick Place and offices in the brand new Atria development on Morrison Street.

The council has been undertaking an audit of all the properties it owns and it is likely that some more properties will become available for sale after tomorrow’s budget if the Capital Coalition motion is passed unchanged. More on the budget meeting later and tomorrow.


 The Spirit of Leithers Facebook group runs a very good photo page with lots of old pictures of Leith in bygone days. It is also behind a petition which you will find here to ask the First Minister for his help in setting up a Leith Museum at the former Customs House. The group say they are about to have a meeting with the Lord Provost about this project.



At Summerhall there is a free exhibition of some of Dieter Roth’s work running until 22 March 2014. The Edinburgh Reporter went to see the Dieter Roth exhibition at the Fruitmarket Gallery during the Festival.

“A small exhibition of the bookworks, printed editions and ephemera of the master print maker, obsessive cataloguer and lover of all decay Dieter Roth – one of the 20th centuries’ most influential artists.

All works exhibited are from the Heart Fine Art Archive based at Summerhall.”


A sparkling view of Iona with the Island of Lunga in the background by the Scottish Colourist painter, Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell, is among the fine pictures to be offered at Bonhams Scottish Sale in Edinburgh which will take place on 15 and 16 April 2014.

Cadell painted Iona – the Island of Lunga on one of the many trips he made to the island. He visited the island every year from 1912, painting it in all weathers and moods.  In this work the foreground is dominated by an expanse of shimmering white sand with Lunga – one of the Slate Islands – in the far distance. The work is estimated at £40,000-60,000.

Cadell’s fellow colourist, John Duncan Fergusson, is represented by a bustling and colourful view of Princes Street Edinburgh estimated at £20,000-30,000.

Among several paintings by Joan Eardley is a typically wild seascape of the coast at Catterline, (£20,000-30,000), the small Aberdeenshire village where she spent the last ten years of her short life.

The Scottish Sale, which is now in its 15th year, has traditionally been held in the autumn but has now moved to its permanent new date of late Spring.  All the major names in Scottish art are featured in the sale which also includes a huge range of objects related to Scotland from highland dress, to silver and glass; from books and furniture to whisky and ceramics.

The sale will take place at Bonhams Edinburgh saleroom, 22 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JX.


The Museums of Edinburgh website has a wealth of activities on offer. This one is at Lauriston Castle and is a bit of a reminder for your diary!

“Come and spend the day in the castle gardens and meet producers of the best local food.

1pm – 4pm

Who is this for? – All
Dates: Sat 17 May 2014
Cost: Free

Learn about the best of Scottish food. With additional crafts for children and Scottish music.

No need to book – just turn up on the day.”