TER BIg BenIn a debate on the Deregulation Bill in Parliament this week, Mark Lazarowicz MP warned against proposals in the Government’s Deregulation Bill which could undermine vital protection for the public. He said that while it is right to look at the effects of regulation on economic growth, proper regulation is also vital to prevent accidents and protect lives, stop workers being exploited by rogue employers, and promote sustainable development.

Mark’s speech in full can be found by clicking here.

Speaking after the debate, Mark said:-“This Bill has 69 clauses and covers at least 12 Government Departments but it is no substitute for a real industrial strategy to support business.

“Of course it is right to review regulation and get rid of unnecessary red tape. But sensible regulation is necessary for many reasons; for example to protect people from scams or industrial accidents and to promote development that doesn’t damage the environment.

“Who really wants to go back to a time when health and safety legislation in the workplace didn’t exist as if that was the key to growth not innovation or investment?”