Whale at Joppa 7

Whale dies near Portobello – Usher Hall – EdinburghReportage – Edinburgh Riding of the Marches – Petition to the council

We were saddened to go to the end of Portobello Beach at the weekend to witness the sad demise of a young whale which had died and been washed up on the rocks there. The whale was towed to Dunbar yesterday, where it will be examined and then the carcase disposed of.  The East Neighbourhood Team who coordinated the exercise tweeted their thanks to all involved.


At the Usher Hall next week the Academy of St Martin in the Fields will play Bach, Beethoven and Brahms under the direction of violinist, Joshua Bell.

Often referred to as the ‘poet of the violin’, Joshua Bell is one of the world’s most celebrated violinists, who enchants audiences with his breathtaking virtuosity, sheer beauty of tone and charismatic stage presence. His most recent challenge is his appointment as the Music Director of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields.

Booking details here.


Have you noticed any extra street signs or places where signs could be moved off a post in the pavement to a railing to avoid unnecessary street clutter? Well share your photos with us here. We have spotted a few on our travels around the city centre, but we are sure you will have some that you can tell us about too!


The Edinburgh Riding of the Marches is a very special occasion when horses can be witnessed cantering up the Royal Mile en masse. Now you can apply to become the 2nd officer of Lass 2014……as long as you do so before 31 January 2014.

You don’t need to own a horse or even be an expert rider. You will be expected to spend some time public speaking however….

More details here!


There are some community gardens around the city which allow for much more than just creating a pretty garden. For example Granton Community Gardeners have a Facebook page here showing off the results of their hard work. A community garden offers an opportunity for some people to get out in the open air and have a bit of fun at the same time. There is an online petition demanding that the council rethinks the amount of rent it charges to community groups. You can sign the petition over here.

City of Edinburgh Council no longer offer a concessionary lets to community groups wishing to develop land for food growing.
Currently the Council is trying to charge community growers over 1000% more than the commercial rental of prime farmland. (Prime agricultural land is rented at 2p per square meter and the council lets our poor quality grassland for 25p per square meter.) Poor quality amenity grassland does not have the same capacity to grow food as well cultivated farmland.